Archive for January, 2013

New Year, New Opportunities

January 23, 2013

IMCA MUNSTER The IMCA is the national and internationally recognised professional institute for management consultants and business advisers in Ireland. The Institute’s mission is to foster and promote the value, quality and benefits of business consulting and advisory services in Ireland.  The IMCA’s principal objective is to advance the professions of management consultancy and business advice by establishing and maintaining the highest standards of performance and conduct by their members, and by promoting the knowledge and skills required for that purpose. The Institute is concerned with the standards, status and development of the management consulting and business advisory professions. Its members give advice to all levels of management and are obliged to maintain the highest standards of integrity and competence.

With starting a new year, it is a time that we all set about making plans for the year ahead. No matter if you are an entrepreneur starting a new business or an owner of an established business everyone must set out a plan to achieve certain milestones and to achieve their hopes and dreams! Every business owner can benefit from the process of preparing a plan; a carefully prepared business plan can provide a pathway to profit. Therefore we set targets and goals, in order to achieve the goals and objectives for ourselves and our business. What goals and objectives do you want to achieve in 2013?

As management consultants and advisers we focus on maintaining the highest standards of integrity and competence through leveraging our knowledge and experience. Throughout the year the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers organise a range of events throughout the year to share different areas of expertise and general interest. With setting your goals and objectives for the coming year, have you identified ways that you can share your knowledge and expertise for the betterment of all? Remember potential business opportunities can originate from the most unexpected sources!

WMJ Kelleher & Associates are pleased that one of our objectives for the year has been achieved, namely Ciara Fitzgerald became the Chair of the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors (IMCA) Munster branch. Congratulations Ciara!